On the framework of the Module “Higher Education Quality and Its Expert Support: Ukraine’s movement towards the European Union” of the Erasmus + Program: Jean Monnet prepared a coursebook “European Higher Education Area: Quality Parameters and Expertise” (Batechko N.G., Bulvinska O. I., Lokshina O.I., Mospan N.V., Protsenko O.B., Sysoieva S.O., Sokolova I.V. Edited by Sysoieva S.O.). The coursebook provides an analysis of the legal framework of the European Higher Education Area; presents the historical aspects of the formation of the quality assurance system in the EU higher education; characterizes external and internal systems of quality assurance of higher education in some EU countries; reveals the peculiarities of expert support of quality assurance in higher education in the European Higher Education Area. It is addressed to the heads of higher education institutions, researchers and academic staff, teachers, graduate students, undergraduates, and students. The coursebook is available at the link
We invite PhD students to attend the training “Activities of Quality Assurance Agencies of Higher Education in the EU countries”
Date: March 14, 2019
Time: 11.50 – 13.10; 13.40 – 15.00
Venue: 13-b Tymoshenko st., auditorium 407 .
The event will take place within the framework of the module “The quality of higher education and expert support of its provision: the movement of Ukraine to the EU” (in the Jean Monnet direction of the ERAZMUS + program).